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Donació de material (routers Astoria - Basats en Danube)


Només preguntar si algú pot estar interessat en diversos routers Astoria (basats en Danube) models ARV4518PW i ARV7518 que vaig anar aconseguint durant un temps.

El cas és que, tot i no ser unes bésties per a processar, estan prou bé: funcionen decentment amb LEDE / OpenWRT, i com a mínim a tots els hi vaig deixar el uboot instalat. En quant a WAN, l'ADSL els hi funciona, de fet els hi vaig estar fent servir fins que m'he canviat de casa i m'he pogut posar fibra. 

No són "cavalls de batalla", però si els portes a la guerra "moriran amb dignitat". O sense ella, però per estar en una caixa agafant pols, millor que morin. Si hi ha cap interessat, que m'ho faci saber, sóc de la zona del Baix Llobregat. Per qualsevol cosa, feu-m'ho saber.

Moltes gràcies! 

Zona Berga, com esta?



La meva pregunta es com esta la xarxa de guifi.net a la zona de Berga? 

He intentat muntar un trasto en proves i l'enllaço correctament, pero no puc verificar si tinc conectivitat cap enlloc ja que sembla que en aquesta zona no funciona gairebe res.. 

Algu que sapigui com esta la zona de berga, puc donar un cop de ma si cal en administrar la xarxa. 



No es pot assignar a la zona arrel, assigna-ho a una altra.


No puc assignat el node SantHilariSacalmxxxxxx, tampoc em deixa SHSxxxxxx, però veig nodes a Sant Hilari en el segón format. Que estic fent malament?


Recomanacions trasto



vull reactivar el meu node IgualadaNou42

si mal no recordo emprava una nanostation connectada a un router, i d'aquí al meu router principal

Estic en línia de visió amb Cal Font i La Tossa, i m'agradaria en un futur (a l'estiu) poder establir un enllaç rapidet amb un pis que tinc al casc antic de Sitges, on caldrà que hi posi també el trasto corresponent.


Quina configuració em recomaneu? Reaprofito el vell nanostation? Quelcom més seriós i actual?

S'agrairia un copet de mà :)


josep m

Como Lucrar Na Loto Facil Com 6 Jogos


A Lotofácil é sem dúvidas uma das loterias preferidas pelos apostadores, acertar premiações baixas como 11, 12 e 13 pontos não é mas sigilo, podendo conseguir com alguma coisa de persistência. 46 apostas garantindo onze ,doze ,treze e quatorze pontos acertando as 15 dezenas sorteadas dentre as 22 dezenas e acertando a 7 década fixas. Outra dica importante é que você não aposte de modo aleatória, escolhendo os números que estão com os concursos atrasados e os que têm saído mais fazendo uma combinação de dezenas entre eles incluindo pequeno número de dezenas de sua percepção.

Veja um exemplo: Para apostar na lotofacil você escolhe 15, 16 ou 17 dezenas entre as 25 do volante e ganha se atingir 11, 12, 13, 14 ou 15 dezenas (prêmio máximo). Como Lucrar na Lotofacil; Como Lucrar na Mega Sena; como jogar na lotofacil para ganhar - http://www.batcatcher.com/wiki/index.php?title=Carb_E_Seus_Beneficios_No... Ganhar na Lotomania; Como Lucrar na Quina; Como Lucrar na Lotofácil - Fechamentos e Dicas Gratuito.

Você terá as mesmas chances de ajustar apostando poucos reais se igualando a quem aposta por volta de 3 a 4 mil reais. Quanto mais números marcar, maior preço da aposta e piores as chances de lucrar. Vídeo MEGASENA nº 02 - Esquemas Mega-sena - Você poderá fazer seus bolões e aprender uma pouco sobre a loteria mais cobiçada de todos e cada um dos tempos, os PRÊMIOS DA MEGA são fantásticos, imagine em uma só jogada você ficar RICO.

E para permanecer ainda mas simples todo curso esta dividido em módulos em VÍDEO AULAS onde eu mostro passo a passo como você deve proceder para fazer seus jogos. Acredite que com as dicas de como lucrar na lotofacil , que prosseguirei te dar, você vai deixar de ser um apostador azarado para um porvir ganhador.

Logo para te ajudar algo mas, prosseguirei jogar no curso mas 3 Bônus Surpresa" que são vendidos em um outro website meu que tem preço de R$ 77,90 e serão seus de Perdão. Os fechamentos da QUINA são capazes de aumentar suas chances inúmeras vezes fazendo de você um mega apostador.

As formas mais eficazes de evitar a perda, não importa qual a quantidade de jogos que você deseja fazer, você vai gastar muito menos continuamente e lucrar muito mas sempre. Sabendo disso prosseguirei te dar dicas de como ganhar na lotofacil em 2018, e desta forma fazendo você escutar que existe uma forma prática para tal constituído.

Vídeo TIMEMANIA nº 05 - Desdobra Timemania - Essa loteria é pouco jogada, varias pessoas ainda não pegou paladar por ela e nossa pretensão é mostrar como exercitar na timemania e lucrar na loteria. Você mesmo poderá justificar esta poderoso resenha, fazendo a conferência de pequeno número de jogos passados.

Esquema Lotofácil utilizando estratêgia certeira, fazendo você ganhar mais com nosso livro Show da lotofacil em formato do dedo. Fórmula profundamente secreta para você mesmo gerar seus próprios jogos eliminando números inúteis e acoplando números mágicos que possui gerado milionários em toda uma parte do país com esta nova" técnica.

Vamos olhar como você deve treinar mais combinações de números na loteria sem ter que gastar uma riqueza para fazê-lo. Lotofácil é jogo correto para você que gosta de apostar e, singularmente, ganhar. Basta conectar-se site , escolher a sua loteria e fazer seu pressentimento ou participar de um dos bolões do sítio, que aumentam ainda mais as suas chances de ganhar.

Se tiver dúvidas em quais jogos marcar este esquema é ideal para te auxiliar e entregar segurança na aposta. objetivo é fazer você não ter mais as loterias como jogo de má sorte, porém sim fazer de você um jogador profissional, um técnico em loterias, esse é intuito do curso loteria máster - http://www.google.com/search?q=m%C3%A1ster&btnI=lucky .

Tiger Woods Alleged Sex Tape Is provided Online Dispite Bizarre Twist


Then there is a website (which will remain name and link-less) that advertises its beach videos and promises video shot on public beaches. The San Diego Union Tribune reported in 2005 on a popular gay bar that was the background to a large number of x ranked gay adult movie.

Pornography has altered significantly, consumers are no longer pleased with male controlled pornography. The more violence and rape in a porn video the more they offer. Those videos are real, it isn't really someone pretending to be raped, it is somebody being raped. What does that say about consumers or even our society in general? To me that screams violence against females is acceptable and pleasing to view.

Point number 3: even if in sex video s there are particular positions enacted, it does not mean that you would discover it tough to attain. This is a misconception, one should initially learn how to relax and shed all inhibitions. Only then would one have the ability to carry out the positions and styles to have the very pornzam.com - http://www.pornzam.com best sex ever. The KAMASTURA propagates numerous sexual positions and you do not need to be a professional to attain it in the long run. Employ totally free sex video for the exact same and find out action by step.

This won't be the very first time that "The X Aspect" U.S. is going through a significant overhaul. In May 2012, Britney Spears - http://www.exeideas.com/?s=Britney%20Spears and Demi Lovato changed fired judges Paula Abdul and Scherzinger. Kardashian and Lopez replaced fired host Steve Jones. Abdul, Scherzinger and Jones were dismissed from "The X Element" at the end of January 2012.

In spite of these changes, as well as though "X Element" U.S. executives had actually hoped that Spears' presence on the show would increase ratings in 2012, the opposite happened. In 2011 for the show's very first season, "The X Factor" U.S. averaged 12 million U.S. viewers per episode, inning accordance with the Nielsen Company. In 2012, the program's score plunged to approximately 8 million U.S. audiences per episode.

The 2nd lap of the record-setting actioner starring xxx movie and Paul Walker relieved off the pedal a bit with $10.5 million from 3,461 theaters. Still, the film is set to cross the $100 million surface line today.

Whitney Houston was once called America's "excellent woman" has a best image in the 80's and 90's and after that her habits changed. She began appearing late for interviews and picture shoots as well as began canceling shows and talk program looks.

On comprar material de segona mà


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Odchudzanie I Oczyszczanie, (1) W Leki, Kosmetyki, Dermokosmetyki Przy Aptece Internetowej Vita


Efektywne odchudzanie - http://Www.ehow.com/search.html?s=Efektywne%20odchudzanie to nie tylko okazjonalne przejście na dietę i zestaw angażujących ćwiczeń. Przestań traktować odchudzanie jako karę. Nordic walking to tani sposób dzięki odchudzanie, a spacerować można praktycznie wszędzie. Skuteczne odchudzanie to zmiana nawyków żywieniowych, dbanie wybór jak najmniej przetworzonych, świeżych produktów, przyzwyczajenie się do regularnego spożywania pokarmów. Warto pamiÄtać, ĹĽe szybkie odchudzanie nie moĹĽe zakĹ‚adać gĹ‚odĂłwki i drakoĹ„skich ćwiczeĹ„, gdyĹĽ spowoduje wiÄcej szkody, niĹĽ poĹĽytku dla naszego zdrowia.

W walce ze zbędnymi kilogramami polecamy preparaty w odchudzanie usuwające nadmiar nawadniania z organizmu wraz wraz z zbędnymi elementami przemiany materii (np. Skuteczne Odchudzanie. Odchudzanie na ciąży będzie łatwiejsze, jeśli już w ciąży zadbamy odpowiednią dietę i nie będziemy się przejadać. Ranking suplementów diety w odchudzanie - zobacz nasz ranking w którym opisujemy skuteczne tabletki na odchudzanie.

Są jednak takie, bez których odchudzanie nie jest możliwe. Jest to klucz do poznania sposobu na sprawne odchudzanie i zmianę odżywiania. Wszelkie kolejne odchudzanie jest trudniejsze. Skuteczne odchudzanie powinno okazać się rozciągnięte w czasie. Cytryna powstrzymuje zaparciom, hamuje apetyt, co dodatkowo wspomaga odchudzanie. Każdy organizm wydaje się być inny, dlatego niektórym odchudzanie przychodzi łatwiej, an inni ludzie długo wyczekują upragnionych wyników, dlatego warto sobie pomóc.

Moja osoba zaczęłam odchudzanie z zaczątkiem 2018. Zaczęłam odchudzanie wraz z hipnosencja zaledwie 3 miesiące temu a już dzięki wadze jest mnie jedenastu Kilogramów. Kawa an odchudzanie Zawiłości Skutecznego Odchudzania Dążenie do odwiedzenia idealnej sylwetki to cel tysięcy kobiet pod każdą szerokością geograficzną. Odchudzanie się tylko z myślą urlopie nie na wiele się przyda, jeśli z wakacyjnego wyjazdu wrócimy w bardziej zagmatwanej formie niż zanim na niego pojechaliśmy.

bioxyn dawkowanie - http://crc.sahk1963.org.hk/userinfo.php?uid=760921 Oprócz tego celuloza, który jest w mango oczyszcza organizm, co również pozytywnie wpływa bioxyn opinie - http://www.hazoom.com/profile/teddytcp159.html nan odchudzanie. Objawy przyczyny dieta i odchudzanie przy wolnym metabolizmie tłuszczu i wolnej przemianie materii. Efektywne odchudzanie powinno - http://search.usa.gov/search?affiliate=usagov&query=powinno być w rzeczywistości zdrowym sposobem odzywiania - powyższe porady pomogą po utrzymaniu nie tylko linii, ale i zdrowia. Suplementów nan odchudzanie zawierało niezgłoszone substancje, które nie zaakceptować były wymieniane w składzie.

Just How To Become Successful In Life - Little Hinges Swing Big Doors!

Donació de material (routers Astoria - Basats en Danube)


Només preguntar si algú pot estar interessat en diversos routers Astoria (basats en Danube) models ARV4518PW i ARV7518 que vaig anar aconseguint durant un temps.

El cas és que, tot i no ser unes bésties per a processar, estan prou bé: funcionen decentment amb LEDE / OpenWRT, i com a mínim a tots els hi vaig deixar el uboot instalat. En quant a WAN, l'ADSL els hi funciona, de fet els hi vaig estar fent servir fins que m'he canviat de casa i m'he pogut posar fibra. 

No són "cavalls de batalla", però si els portes a la guerra "moriran amb dignitat". O sense ella, però per estar en una caixa agafant pols, millor que morin. Si hi ha cap interessat, que m'ho faci saber, sóc de la zona del Baix Llobregat. Per qualsevol cosa, feu-m'ho saber.

Moltes gràcies! 

Zona Berga, com esta?



La meva pregunta es com esta la xarxa de guifi.net a la zona de Berga? 

He intentat muntar un trasto en proves i l'enllaço correctament, pero no puc verificar si tinc conectivitat cap enlloc ja que sembla que en aquesta zona no funciona gairebe res.. 

Algu que sapigui com esta la zona de berga, puc donar un cop de ma si cal en administrar la xarxa. 



Busco instalador al zona de barcelona, per instal.lació a castelldefels


Estic buscant un instalador per fer una antena a casa, no tinc coneixements per ficar-me en aquest enbolic. He recercat a internet i no trobo ningú, a veure si algú em podria ajudar. Gràcies.

Cobertura a la zona d'Amposta, comarca del Montsià


Bon dia a thotom,

Sóc nou en aquest foro i m'agradaria saber si n'hi ha algú de per la zona d'Amposta que hagi creat un node i tingui accés a internet correctament,  també quin tipus d'antena i equip hauria d'instal·lar al meu domicili.

Us agrairé tota l'informació que em pugueu donar,


CBD-Based Pharma Drug Epidiolex Presented To Food And Drug Administration For Acceptance


It might arise owing to the lead to that mind chemical that typically avert soreness as soon as you get started recovering from injuries or illness are not operating correctly. These medications are named normal anti-psychotics (Clozapine) which cause Parkinson-like indicators, whilst atypical anti-psychotics are also successful with no causing serious adverse events, which can be verified by a catalepsy examination. There are numerous distinct compounds located in marijuana but only a few compounds are accountable for leading to the large and euphoria that user’s encounter. There is little or no CBD in Hemp seeds. CBD oil promises numerous positive aspects that appear to contain every conceivable ailment.

With no this hold off, the oil can get right to perform and expertise swift consequence . They did not get a massive expense, but they did land a large buy — and tons of very good publicity. I get up each early morning now and use ten drops underneath my tongue. JS: Now that study is relocating ahead all over the planet, we believe that new proof leading to greater comprehension of mechanisms of action will be revealed practically weekly for the up coming a number of decades. PREORDER NOW to avoid lacking this remarkable merchandise when it gets obtainable .

The merchandise is genuinely really significantly successful and helpful in relieving your ache by boosting the working of neurotransmitters - https://ello.co/cbdoilforall/post/js4-wl2eyatlfj1migdvxw . It has been identified that this item can have amazing outcomes in a wide assortment of locations. What are the outcomes of cannabidiol? Drawing on their abilities, we are very pleased to offer you only the greatest top quality client items that includes high quality cannabidiol (CBD) hemp oil. Cannabidiol has shown to minimize anxiety in sufferers with social stress condition and researchers suggest that it may possibly also be effective for panic condition, obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Scientists concluded: "Based on these information, it can be recommended that THCV could be helpful for the treatment method of the metabolic syndrome and/or kind 2 diabetic issues (grownup onset diabetes), both by yourself or in combination with current therapies.

What You Must Know About CBD Oil Wholesale Buying


Both are typical problems in our current-working - https://www.dwell.com/collection/how-does-the-cbd-oil-can-help-you-to-ge... day society. Influencing more than sixteen million American older people in the United States, depression is one particular of the nation’s most typical psychological ailments. She was one particular of the inspiring influences in my life, whom manufactured me her lab assistant so I could enjoy in the lab during my study hall periods. CBD Tinctures are also 1 of the most affordable CBD Oil goods on the market place these days.

But there are these circumstances in which somebody just are not able to seem to get out of the depth of despair that despair has dumped them into. Nevertheless, there are robust hints that they could pose significant (however not daily life-threatening) threats to the properly-currently being of shoppers. Its popularity and revelations about its utilizes are sure to improve as folks turned off by weed's most notorious consequences discover this option way to get substantial — which is to say, with out that total "large" part. • That there are receptors by way of which cannabis can exert its results in a key emotional hub in the mind.

Even though medications presented from the pharmaceutical companies and the health care neighborhood can be helpful, there are facet consequences and the issue for dependancy with normal use. There are only a couple of dietary nutritional supplements that in reality lend a hand to get treatment of the kinds troubles, however Serene Cannabinol Isolate can. Devastating side effects of antidepressants arise if they are not taken in the best dose. Higher concentrations of CBD have been shown to activate the five-HT1A serotonin receptor, exerting anti-depressant outcomes.

Do you give your pet CBD oil? By urgent the seeds of the cannabis plant hemp oil is produced, and it’s hemp oil that can be used to treat a vast range of illnesses. These receptors are predominantly found in the anxious program and the immune program and thus are linked with a range of important features. The introduction of CBD marijuana to the endocannabinoid system can assist to decrease these persistent, disagreeable signs and symptoms.

If you are new to CBD and doubtful how you will like it, the intelligent choice is to commence with an affordable merchandise without skimming on top quality, and the CBD - https://www.cannabidiol.info/ Oil Organic Spray from Organic Renewals fits that monthly bill. Anyways, even though skeptical, I determined to obtain your solution and try it. It is not unheard of for people to consider two or three various CBD oils just before they discover the very best CBD oil for discomfort. CBD of this clarity and integrity has incredible additive applications, equally as a drinking water-soluble powder and as a pure isolate.

If you do select to use health-related cannabis high in THC, it might be wise to preserve some higher CBD infused goods nearby. But, it does not supply the "high" emotion that THC, or health-related marijuana provides. But, what about its result on humans? As nicely as its result on social stress condition, CBD Oil is considered to gain stress problem, obsessive compulsive problem, and ptsd. Substantial-CBD/ minimal-THC strains have small, if any, psychoactive impact.

Aside from these most preferred varieties of CBD, individuals have commonly approved the CBD vaping oils and inhalers. MediHemp CBD Oil contains one hundred% natural and pure cannabis extract. Now you can accomplish this ache-free of charge point out with natural cannabidiol oil! "But I can indication in as a visitor. If left untreated, melancholy can direct to an array of physical and emotional issues and decrease your potential to function at residence and operate.

It is the general good emotion you have following a good work out, or a job nicely completed, or a refreshing evenings slumber. When your brain activates the experience of peace to the entire body, it positively regulates your temper, ease your soreness, enhances your sleeping practices, eases inflammation and significantly far more. Even though its genetics mostly trace back again to indica plants, users hardly ever report feeling sleepy. This is the cause why pharmaceuticals companies have created SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors this sort of as Zoloft and Prozac. See why external cannabinoids (like CBD) can be a tiny much more challenging?

Our CBD Oil is produced from NON-GMO, PESTICIDE Free of charge, CO2 Extracted Hemp Oil employing only organic components. The analysis supports the concept that this oil could be a feasible therapeutic option in dealing with psychosis this kind of as schizophrenia. Simply put, hashish oil Canada is simply the oil type of marijuana. A second "trend" in holistic overall health treatment is CBD oil. Additionally, it has been acknowledged for a long time that CBD is a cerebroprotective cannabinoid that functions as a neuroprotectant throughout ischemic damage, and exerts positive "pharmacological effects" in the course of and following episodes of ischemic stroke. Ultimately, quite a few dozen laboratories in health care hashish states ended up calibrating cannabinoid ratios and identifying the periodic CBD-rich pressure.

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The human body in a natural way generates anti-oxidants, but the quantities are frequently inadequate for blocking or neutralizing the effects of totally free radicals. Plant-derived cannabinoids, or phytocannabinoids, are characterized by their capacity to act on the cannabinoid (membrane-borne) receptors that are identified throughout the human body. You have probably appear throughout human body lotions that have hemp, or even sodas/drinks that say they have CBD inside of them that is simply because they are not heading to give you that "high", and really do not have enough THC to be regarded as illegal. It is best to get CBD extracted from therapeutic (cannabinoid-wealthy) hemp, as opposed to cannabinoid-deficient industrial hemp, due to the fact it will be significantly less likely to have contaminants.

My business has numerous ups and downs and I are likely to get afflicted by it fairly easily. I acquired married a few several years back again and gave birth to my first daughter 6 months in the past. So my sister received some final results back and all her numbers are looking good. Underneath are the top rated CBD oils for a very good night time snooze. There are many hormones secreted in our body and when nicely within limitations, they only do very good to us. Basically, the homes set off the activation of specific receptors in the brain as nicely as in the physique.

Alternatively, some users have reported commencing with a large dose for the first three -four days that aided them eradicate the signs of nervousness entirely from their human body. It is very essential to get THC:CBD ratio into thing to consider when buying a pressure, as it will assist you tailor the experience to your precise signs and symptoms and preferred effects. Not like damaging prescription drugs, this product treats your signs and symptoms with no the harmful effects that develop up more than time.

Some pet owners have also noticed these balancing results are also especially helpful when their canine are dealing with abnormally stressful circumstances, these kinds of as getaway fireworks or a journey to the groomer. You might have already noticed in the information some of the heartbreaking instances - https://www.hr.com/en/app/blog/2018/03/cbd-for-anxiety-and-stress_jfcugo... of really tiny youngsters struggling from Dravet syndrome which causes a really substantial frequency of debilitating seizures. Higher THC hashish derivatives can cause euphoria, uplifting temper, laughs and dizziness. This oil from the marijuana plant is recognized about its substantial concentration of THC. And why are so numerous folks inquiring the issue, "What is hemp oil?

THC extract is not incorporated in formulation, that’s why it is non-psychoactive in character. That’s why so many individuals with anxiousness use Endo Oil CBD. FAAH might be the most valuable for the reduction of anxiousness. However, there has been male medications offered for treating this healthcare condition that is characterised by panic attacks and stress assaults each and every now and then. There is, even so, a additional gray region to think about.

There are a good deal of tactics to use this drug. In the event you loved this article along with you desire to receive more info relating to Official - http://www.whatisleft.nl/ generously check out our own internet site. Cannabis is categorized as a Timetable 1 drug. But utilizing hashish has well-acknowledged limited-time period and long-term wellness outcomes, this sort of as understanding and coordination troubles. The reality is that you are likely to accomplish far greater pores and skin advantages with regular oil consumption, alternatively of solely utilizing the CBD balm oil topically. If it’s actually thick, it could be diluted with olive oil to make controlling and absorption less difficult. Cannabidiol, or CBD for quick, is just 1 of a lot of compounds referred to as cannabinoids that make up marijuana’s chemical fingerprint.

Hashish includes THC and CBD as the primary compounds but the two have distinct effects. Contains no binders, fillers, chemicals, or other artificial substitutes. As it is a natural item or you can get in touch with it is an effective soreness reliever, it consists of all normal elements this sort of as cannabis extracts. CBD the All All-natural Way! CBD stands for Cannabidiol and is the 2nd most prominent cannabinoid in most hashish strains. CBD oil or cannabidiol is a single of the non-intoxicating derivates of the cannabis plant.

He is heading to pick her up, but initial will take a dropper full of Receptra CBD oil. CBD was ineffective in one client. This, on the other, is actually just two elements: CBD and coconut oil. Yet another minefield is the expression ‘hemp oil.’ Most hemp oil merchandise are oils created from the hemp seed. The mixture of these oils create an aromatic taste that is pure and the scent relieves your head tension and day-to-day tensions. Intake of liquor to get over anxiety ruins our physique by means of the core.

Tension Considerably less mix also boosts concentration, sustains focus, and aids you keep on activity. CBD consumption also will help in the treatment method of melancholy by modulating the 5HT1A receptor. If intrigued in an aide to perform your own investigation, we recommend referencing Granny Storm Crow’s Record for an in depth collection of CBD study relavant to certain circumstances. Research in animal designs suggests that CBD is effective in promoting wakefulness. Chemical substances in CBD have the power to manage seizures because of to epilepsy.

The base line is, CBD oil could be a healthy (or even lifestyle-saving) herb for your puppy. It also provides guidelines on picking the appropriate cbd oil. These are just a number of particular cases that present how effective CBD oil can be, laying the groundwork for CBD oil currently being recognized as a justifiable drugs for a variety of conditions. In a study printed in the British Journal of Medical Pharmacology in the year 2013, it is documented that CBD is a potential medicine for the treatment of the diseases like epilepsy, vomiting, nausea, stress, schizophrenia, and neuroinflammation.

Telecontrol via guifi.net?


Bon dia a tothom

Sóc usuari de la xarxa des de fa ja un temps i voldria saber si hi ha alguna utilitat per poder utilitzarla per telecontrol.

M'explico, l'instal·lació la tinc en una casa del Pirineu on disposem d'una calefacció de biomasa que voldria poder posar en marxa remotament. Tenim un problema seriós de cobertura GSM amb els diferents operadors que suposadament donen servei a la zona, i si bé en el passat havía utilitzat un modem gsm amb una interficie de sortida amb relé per activar la caldera, en l'actualitat amb la manca de cobertura és impossible o quasi.

Algú sap si guifi.net disposa dels recursos per poder-ho fer?. La persona que em va instal·lar l'antena i el router em va dir que no era possible però potser algú disposa d'alguna eina que permeti fer-ho.

Amb l'estufa ens van suministrar un dispositiu de connexió amb toma ethernet però francament, seguint lles instruccions, no he estat capaç de poder establir la connexió entre el router i l'estufa.

Si algú ho ha resolt agrairía em contactés per explicar-me com ho ha fet.

De la mateixa manera si hi ha una impossibilitat tècnica per fer-ho també agrairía m'ho fèssiu saber per tal de no perdre més temps.

Moltes gràcies per endavant.


Busco instalador al zona de barcelona, per instal.lació a castelldefels


Estic buscant un instalador per fer una antena a casa, no tinc coneixements per ficar-me en aquest enbolic. He recercat a internet i no trobo ningú, a veure si algú em podria ajudar. Gràcies.

Cobertura a la zona d'Amposta, comarca del Montsià


Bon dia a thotom,

Sóc nou en aquest foro i m'agradaria saber si n'hi ha algú de per la zona d'Amposta que hagi creat un node i tingui accés a internet correctament,  també quin tipus d'antena i equip hauria d'instal·lar al meu domicili.

Us agrairé tota l'informació que em pugueu donar,


No funciona SSebastiaAPSud


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